The scarlet rose

The moment when you held me tight
won`t come back any more
And at the end of that night
you slammed the door
My dream it died away
just when I saw red
And nothing but a memory
is left inside my head

Nothing is forever in life
But a memory believe it`s true
And when I gaze in the rain
i`m crying just for you

The scarlet rose has died
Lost inside the night
Left in my mind like a dream and full of pride
The scarlet rose has died

The one and only way to catch the
beauty of a dawn
Is to take a picture
of the growing sun

I got that experience
no one could steal away
One moment of your life is mine
I remember day by day

Nothing is forever in life
But a memory believe it`s true
And when I gaze in the rain
i`m crying just for you

The scarlet rose has died
Lost inside the night
Left in my mind like a dream and full of pride
The scarlet rose has died


Den här lyssnade jag på ofta under tiden min morfar var sjuk och precis då han gått bort.
Texten är så obeskrivligt vacker! Gjorde om texten lite grann och formade den till en dikt som lästes på morfars begravning... Snart 3 år sedan han dog...


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